Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Yuk HUI (許煜)

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Yuk HUI is currently Professor of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam where he holds the Chair of Human Conditions. Hui studied Computer Engineering at the University of Hong Kong and Philosophy at Goldsmiths College in London where he wrote his doctoral thesis under the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020); he obtained his Habilitation ( venia legendi in philosophy of technology) from Leuphana University Lüneburg. He has been professor at the City University of Hong Kong and visiting professorships at the University of Tokyo and China Academy of Art. Hui is a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture since 2020, and convenor of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology since 2014.

Hui has published in academic journals such as Research in Phenomenology, Philosophy Today, Metaphilosophy, Parrhesia, Angelaki, Theory Culture and Society, Cahiers Simondon, Deleuze Studies, Derrida Today, Intellectica, Krisis, Implications Philosophiques, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Techné, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Appareil and Foundations of Science.

He is author of several monographs including On the Existence of Digital Objects (prefaced by Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, March 2016), The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics (Urbanomic/MIT Press, 2016/2nd print 2019/3rd print 2023), Recursivity and Contingency (prefaced by Howard Caygill, Rowman & Littlefield International, January 2019), Art and Cosmotechnics (University of Minessota Press/e-flux, June 2021/2nd print 2022/3rd print 2023),Post-Europe (Sequence Press/Urbanomic, September 2024) and Machine and Sovereignty (University of Minnesota Press, 2024). Hui's books have been translated into a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Spanish and Portuguese, and have been reviewed and endorsed by academic journals such asThe Philosophical Quarterly, Radical Philosophy, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Theory Culture and Society, Issue in Science and Technology as well as popular newspapers such as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Folha de Sao Paulo.

He is also editor of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory (Meson 2015), Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Concept of Technology in the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2021) and Cybernetics for the 21st Century (Hanart, 2023) among many others.

Key Research Areas: Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Nature, Chinese Philosophy, Phenomenology, German Idealism, Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Simondon, Heidegger, Lyotard, Mou Zongsan


English, French, German, Mandarin, Cantonese, Chewchau
JAVA, C++, PHP, Processing, Python


Habilitation (Philosophy), Leuphana Univeristy Lüneburg
PhD (Philosophy), MA, Goldsmiths College London
B.ENG (Computer Engineering), University of Hong Kong


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art and cosmotechnics

Art and Cosmotechnics opens the way to rethinking technology beyond Gestell, by exploring the obscure paths of the experience of art.”

— Augustin Berque

“Following closely on the heels of Recursivity and Contingency , a masterful treatise on cybernetics and German Idealism, Art and Cosmotechnics attempts to excavate once more the speculative role the arts might play in fostering experimental modes of philosophical and scientific thought.

— LA Review of Books

recursivity and contingency

"Recursivity and Contingency takes the remarkable adventure of thought begun in On the Existence of Digital Objects and The Question Concerning Technology in China in unexpected and astonishing directions, leaving its readers with much to think about and to take further themselves."

— Howard Caygill

More Reviews of Recursivity and Contingency


"There is no more challenging work for anyone interested in trying to understand both the manifold philosophical challenges of Western scientific technology and the contemporary rise of China on the world-historical scene."

— Carl Mitcham

"In this remarkable book, Yuk Hui draws on the major thinkers of both the West and the East to elaborate an original reflection on the nature of technology. He has enlarged the philosophical horizon for the Anthropocene age."

—Andrew Feenberg

More Reviews of The Question Concerning Technology in China

Forwarded by Bernard Stiegler, Minneapolis :University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

"The object of this remarkable, groundbreaking book is as elegant as it is profound—to provide us with a radically objective account of the digital objects that populate our world, both on- and offline.It is a truly innovative and philosophically grounded ‘object oriented ontology’ that is designed for and can scale to the increasingly complex orders of magnitude confronted in the twenty-first century."

— David J. Gunkel

More Reviews of On the Existence of Digital Objects


[El libro] presenta a un pensador en busca de nuevos modos de concebir el estado de situación de las sociedades en que vivimos, modos que nos permitan torcer un devenir que parece firmemente encaminado al desastre.

Revista Otra Parte

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