Yuk HUI is currently Professor of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam where he holds the Chair of Human Conditions. Hui studied Computer Engineering at the University of Hong Kong and Philosophy at Goldsmiths College in London where he wrote his doctoral thesis under the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020); he obtained his Habilitation ( venia legendi in philosophy of technology) from Leuphana University Lüneburg. He has been professor at the City University of Hong Kong and visiting professorships at the University of Tokyo and China Academy of Art. Hui is a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture since 2020, and convenor of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology since 2014.
Hui has published in academic journals such as Research in Phenomenology, Philosophy Today, Metaphilosophy, Parrhesia, Angelaki, Theory Culture and Society, Cahiers Simondon, Deleuze Studies, Derrida Today, Intellectica, Krisis, Implications Philosophiques, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Techné, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Appareil and Foundations of Science.
He is author of several monographs including On the Existence of Digital Objects (prefaced by Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, March 2016), The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics (Urbanomic/MIT Press, 2016/2nd print 2019/3rd print 2023), Recursivity and Contingency (prefaced by Howard Caygill, Rowman & Littlefield International, January 2019), Art and Cosmotechnics (University of Minessota Press/e-flux, June 2021/2nd print 2022/3rd print 2023),Post-Europe (Sequence Press/Urbanomic, September 2024) and Machine and Sovereignty (University of Minnesota Press, 2024). Hui's books have been translated into a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Spanish and Portuguese, and have been reviewed and endorsed by academic journals such asThe Philosophical Quarterly, Radical Philosophy, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Theory Culture and Society, Issue in Science and Technology as well as popular newspapers such as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Folha de Sao Paulo.
He is also editor of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory (Meson 2015), Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Concept of Technology in the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2021) and Cybernetics for the 21st Century (Hanart, 2023) among many others.
Key Research Areas: Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Nature, Chinese Philosophy, Phenomenology, German Idealism, Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Simondon, Heidegger, Lyotard, Mou Zongsan
English, French, German, Mandarin, Cantonese, Chewchau
JAVA, C++, PHP, Processing, Python
Habilitation (Philosophy), Leuphana Univeristy Lüneburg
PhD (Philosophy), MA, Goldsmiths College London
B.ENG (Computer Engineering), University of Hong Kong
- Monographs
- On the Existence of Digital Objects, prefaced by Bernard Stiegler (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Feb 2016); pp.336, ISBN: 9780816698905(Reviewed by: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Radical Philosophy, Theory Culture and Society, Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy, Computational Culture: a Journal of Software Studies, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Public Books
- Chinese Trans.《論數碼物的存在》(Shanghai:Shanghai People's Publisher, Jan 2019);ISBN: 9787208154346
- Korean Trans.《디지털적대상의 존재에 대하여》(Seoul: 새물결, October 2021); ISBN : 9788955594317
- Spanish Trans.《Sobre la existencia de objetos digitales》(Segovia: Materia Oscura, November 2023); ISBN: 9788412703405
- The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics (Falmouth: Urbanomic/MIT Press, Jan 2017, Second Edition Jan 2019); pp.346, ISBN: 9780995455009(Reviewed by: Issues in Science and Technology, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Folha de S. Paulo, Журнал DOXA, Il Manifesto, etc.)
- Korean Trans.《중국에서의 기술에 관한 물음》(Seoul: New Wave 새물결, April 2019);ISBN: 9788955594171
- Japanese Trans.《中国における技術への問い──宇宙技芸試論》(Tokyo: Genron, August 2022); pp.480, ISBN:9784907188467
- German Trans.《Die Frage nach der Technik in China. Ein Essay über die Kosmotechnik 》(Berlin: Matthes und Seitz, March 2020);pp.280, ISBN: 9783957578501
- French Trans.《La question de la technique en chine. un essai sur la cosmotechnique 》(Paris: Éditions Divergences, April 2021); pp.332, ISBN : 9791097088354
- Italian Trans.《cosmotecnica》(Rome: Nero Editions, June 2021); pp.256, ISBN:9788880560937
- Russian Trans.《Вопрос о технологии в Китае》(Moscow: Ad Marginem, March 2023); pp.320, ISBN:9785911036379
- Chinese Trans.《論中國的技術問題-宇宙技術初論》(Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, September 2021); ISBN: 9787550317215
- Spanish Trans.《La cuestión de la tecnología en China: un ensayo en cosmotécnica》(Buenos Aires: Caja Negra Editora, forthcoming)
- Recursivity and Contingency (London: Rowman and Littlefield International, Spring 2019); pp.336, ISBN: 9781786600530(Reviewed by: The Philosophical Quarterly, Revue Philosophique, American Review of Books, New Formations. etc.)
- Russian Trans.《Рекурсивность и контингентность》(Moscow: V-A-C Press, April 2020); pp.400, ISBN: 9785907183124
- Japanese Trans.《再帰性と偶然性》(Tokyo: Seido Sha 青土社, February 2022); pp.435, ISBN: 9784791774463
- Chinese Trans.《递归与偶然》(Shanghai: East China Normal University Press 華東師範大學出版社六點分社, July 2020); pp.387, ISBN: 9787576004694
- Polish Trans.《Rekursywność I Przygodność》(Katowice: University of Silesia, September 2022); pp.340, ISBN: 9788322642429
- Spanish Trans.《Recursividad y Contingencia》(Buenos Aires: Caja Negra Editora, October 2022); pp.408, ISBN 9789874862365
- Korean Trans.《R재귀성과 우연성》(Seoul: 새물결, November 2023); pp.468, ISBN 9788955594492
- Art and Cosmotechnics (Minneapolis: Univeristy of Minnessota Press/E-flux, June 2021); pp.318, ISBN: 9781517909536
- German Trans.《Kunst und Kosmotechnik》(Berlin: Matthes und Seitz, forthcoming)
- Chinese Trans.《藝術與宇宙技術》(Shanghai: East China Normal University Press 華東師範大學出版社六點分社, Oct 2022);pp.326, ISBN: 9787576031539
- Spanish Trans.《Arte y Cosmotécnica》(Buenos Aires: Caja Negra Editora, forthcoming 2024)
- Russian Trans.《Искусство и космотехника》(Moscow: AST, Apr 2024); pp.386, ISBN: 9785171525842
- Korean Trans.《예술과 우주기예》(Seoul: New Wave 새물결, forthcoming 2024)
- Japanese Trans.《芸術と宇宙技芸》(Tokyo: Shunjusha 春秋社, Aug 2024); pp.528, ISBN: 9784393341230
- Post-Europe (New York: Sequence Press/Urbanomic, Sep 2024); pp.144, ISBN: 9798985423518
- Machine and Sovereignty (Minneapolis: Univeristy of Minnessota Press, Oct 2024); pp.368, ISBN: 9781517917418
- Anthologies
- Fragmentar el futuro -ensayos sobre tecnodiversidad , trans. Tadeo Lima (Buenos Aires: Caja Negra Editora, September 2020); pp.192, ISBN: 9789871622894
- Tecnodiversidade, trans. Humberto do Amaral (Sao Paolo: Ubu Editora, December 2020); pp.224, ISBN: 9786586497229
- Teknodiversitet, trans. Anders Dunker (Oslo: Existenz, March 2022); pp.206, ISBN: 9788269190991
- Technodiverzita, trans.Vít Bohal, Václav Janoščík (Prague: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Dec 2022); pp.180, ISBN: 9788088308546
- Pensare la Contingenza. La rinascita della filosofia dopo la cibernetica , trans. Brunella Antomarini (Roma: Castelvecchi, April 2022); ISBN : 9788832907216
- Tecnodiversità. Tecnologia e politica , trans. Brunella Antomarini (Roma: Castelvecchi, August 2024); ISBN : 9791256140367
- Edited Journal Special Issues
- Philosophy after Automation, Special Issue of Philosophy Today (Volume 65, Issue 2, Spring 2021) (A&HCI)
- On Cosmotechnics, Special Issue of Angelaki, Vol 25 Issue 4 (August 2020) (A&HCI)
- 40 Years after La Condition Postmoderne, Special Issue of Journal of National Academy of Art, vol 41, issue 3(June 2020, Chinese) (CSSCI)
- Anthropocene, Special Issue of Journal of National Academy of Art, Vol 38 Issue 2(Feb 2017, Chinese) (CSSCI)
- Edited Books
- Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Bernard Stiegler, the Mystagogue, Philosophy Today, Vol. 68, No. 3 (Aug 2024),585-600 (A&HCI)
- Apropos Technophany, Technophany, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Jan 2024), 1-14 (DOAJ)
- Sketch of an Axiology of Contingency, Angelaki, Vol. 28, No. 3 (June 2023), 163-171 (A&HCI)
- On the Varieties of Experience of Art, Theory, Culture and Society, Vol.40, No.4-5(2023), 131-144 (SSCI/A&HCI)
- On the Imagination and the Infinite —A Critique of Artificial Imagination, Balken Journal of Philosophy, Vol.15, No.1 (June 2023)
- For Dialogue Between Strauss and Stiegler, Nanoethics, Vol.16 Issue 3 (2022), 339–342 (SSCI)
- The Exhibition as Medium: Some Observations on the Cybernetisation of the Institution and the Exhibition(with Adeena Mey), Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Issue 53 (September 2022),74-90 (A&HCI)
- Philosophy after Automation? Philosophy Today, Vol.65 Issue 2 (2021), 217-233 (A&HCI)
- On the Limit of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy Today, Vol.65 Issue 2 (2021) (A&HCI)
- On the Persistence of the Non-modern, Afterall, Issue 51 (Spring/Summer 2021) (A&HCI)
- This Strange Being called the Cosmos Foundations of Science, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)(A&HCI)
- For a Cosmotechnical Event Foundations of Science, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2021) (A&HCI)
- Philosophy and the Planetary Philosophy Today, Vol. 64 Issue 4 (2020), 865-869 (A&HCI)
- Machine and Ecology, Angelaki, Special Issue on Cosmotechnics, Vol 25 Issue 4(August 2020), 54-66 (A&HCI)
- Writing and Cosmotechnics, Derrida Today, Vol 13 Issue 1 (May 2020), 17-32
- On the Soul of Technical Objects – Commentary on Simondon’s ‘Technics and Eschatology’ (1972)”, Theory, Culture and Society, Vol 35 no.6 (2018), 97-111 (SSCI/A&HCI)
- Rhythm and Technics - on Heidegger's commentary on Rimbaud, Research in Phenomenology, Vol.47 (2017), 60–84 (A&HCI)
- On Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Relation between Technology and Nature
in the Anthropocene, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 21:2–3 (2017), 1–23 (A&HCI)
- Reframing the Technosphere: Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler’s Anthropotechnological Diagnoses of the Anthropocene (with Pieter Lemmens), Krisis Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 2017 Issue 2, 25-40.
- Apocalypse, Now! Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler on the Anthropocene (with Pieter Lemmens), Boundary 2 Online, Jan 2017
- A Politics of Intensity : some Aspects of Acceleration in Simondon and Deleuze (with Louis Morelle), Deleuze Studies, Volume 11, Issue 4 (2017) 498-517
- Qu’est-ce que la « marge d’indétermination »?, Implications Philosophiques, Dossier "Technique et technoscience après Simondon", ed. Jean-Hughes Barthélémy, 2016
- L’exposition comme médium. Quelques observations sur la cybernétisation de l’institution et de l’exposition (with Adeena Mey), Appareil, No.18 (2017)
Art et médium 2 : les média dans l'art
- The Parallax of Individuation: Simondon and Schelling, Angelaki, Vol.21 No.4 (2016), 77-89 (A&HCI)
- Algorithmic Catastrophe - the Revenge of Contingency, Parrhesia a Journal of Critical Philosophy, No.23, November 2015, 122-143.
- Modulation after Control, New Formations, 84-85, Special Issue on Societies of Control, 2015, 74-91.
- Towards a Relational Materialism. A Reflection on Language, Relations and the Digital, Digital Culture and Society, No.1,ed. Ramón Reichert & Annika Richterich, October 2015, 131-147.
- Simondon et la Question de l'information, Cahiers Simondon, ed. Jean-Hugues Barthélémy (Feburary, 2015), 29-47.
- Form and Relation - Materialism on an uncanny stage, Intellectica, No.61, edited by A. Monnin and G.Declerck, July 2014, 105-121.
- Beyond Personalization and Anonymity: Towards a Group-Based Recommendation System, Shang Shang, Yuk Hui, Pan Hui, Sanjeev Kulkarni, and Paul Cuff, Proceeding of the ACM 29th Symposium on Applied Computing, 266-273.
- Deduktion, Induktion und Transduktion - über Medienästhetik und digitale Objekte, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Heft 8(April,2013), 101-115.
- What is a Digital Object?, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 43, No. 4, Special issue on Philosophy of the Web, edited by A. Monnin and H. Halpin, (July 2012), 380-395 (A&HCI)
- Computational Turn or a New Weltbild?, Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, No. 13, 2010, edited by Susan Ballard, 41-51 (A&HCI)
- Book Chapters
- “Why Cybernetics Now?,” in Cybernetics for the 21st Century Vol.1 Epistemological Reconstruction, ed. Yuk Hui(Hong Kong: Hanart, Jan 2024 )
- “Notes on Technical Normativity,” in Technological Accidents, Accidental Technologies, ed. Joke Brouwer & Sjoerd van Tuinen(Rotterdam: V2, June 2023 )
- “Heidegger and the Question Concerning Technology in Asia,” in Heidegger in China and Japan, ed. Qingjie James Wang, Sai Hang Kwok (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, Nov 2022 )
- “Lyotard after Us,” in Lyotard and Critical Practice, ed. Kiff Bamford , Margret Grebowicz (London: Bloomsbury, August 2022 )
- “Problems of Temporality in the Digital Epoch,” in Media Infrastructures and the Politics of Digital Time: Essays on Hardwired Temporalities, ed. Axel Volmar and Kyle Stine(Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, September 2021), 77-88
- On the Cosmotechnical Nature of Writing, in The New Alphabet Vol.1, ed. Bernd Scherer(Leipzig: Spector Books, 2021)
- Space and Place: Remarks on a Digital Chronotopology, in Art in the 21st Century: Reflections & Provocations, ed. Siegfried Zielinski (Hong Kong: Osage Foundation, April 2020),44-51
- For a Cosmotechnical Event. In honour of Don Ihde and Bernard Stiegler, in Reimagining Philosophy and Technology, Reinventing Ihde, ed. Glen Miller and Ashley Shew (Dordrecht: Springer, March 2020),87-102
- Exhibiting and Sensibilizing: Recontextualizing Les Immatériaux, in Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions, ed. Tristan Garcia and Vincent Normand (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2019), 235-245
- Anders, Simondon and the Becoming of the Posthuman, in Post/Humanism and Classical Literature, ed. Giulia Maria Chesi and Francesca Spiegel (London: Bloomsbury, October 2019), 49-58
- Archives of the Future - Remarks on the Concept of Tertiary Protention, in Inscription (Gutenberg: Landsarkivet i Göteborg, 2018), 129-151.
- Le concept de groupe dans les réseaux sociaux. Éléments pour une mécanologie de la participation, in La toile que nous voulons, ed. Bernard Stiegler, (Paris: Éditions FYP, Octobre 2017), 167-187.
- On the Synthesis of Social Memories, in Memory in Motion: Archives, Technology and the Social, ed. Ina Blom, Trond Lundemo and Eivind Røssaak(Amsterdam University Press, November 2016), 307-325.
- Anamnesis and Re-Orientation - A discourse on Matter and Time, in 30 Years After Les Immatériaux, ed. Yuk Hui, Andreas Broeckmann (Meson Press, May 2015), 181-203.
- A Contribution to the Political Economy of Personal Archives, in Compromised Data,ed. G. Elmer,G. Langlois, J.Redden (Bloombury, June 2015), 226-246.
- Technological System and the Problem of Desymbolization, in Jacques Ellul and the Technological Society in 21st Century, ed. Helena Jerónimo, José Luís Garcia and Carl Mitcham (Springer, May 2013), 73-82.
- Collective Individuation: The Future of the Social Web(with Harry Halpin), in “Unlike Us” Reader, ed. Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures, 2013), 103-116.
- A Phenomenological Inquiry on the Emergence of Digital Things, in What does a chameleon look like? Topographies of Immersion, ed.schwinghammer, A. & Menrath, K.(Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2010), 338-351.
- The New Politics of the New Media, The Digitized Imagination, ed. Rajan N.(London: Rouledge, Jan 2009), 90-101.
- Non-Refereed Journal Articles
- 芸術と宇宙技芸 (第 3 回) 山水画の論理にむけて, Genron No. 12, September 2021
- 芸術と宇宙技芸 (第 2 回) ヨーロッパのあとに, 悲劇的なものをこえて, GenronNo. 11, June 2020
- 芸術と宇宙技芸 (第 1 回) ポストヨーロッパ哲学のために, Genron No. 10, October 2019
- For a Planetary Thinking, E-flux 114, January 2021
- One Hundred Years of Crisis, E-flux 108, April 2020
- What Begins after the End of the Enlightenment?, E-flux 96, January 2019
- Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics, E-flux 86, November 2017
- On the Unhappy Consciousness of Neoreactionaries, E-flux 81, April 2017
- Le Mouvement Occupy se mondialise, with David Graeber, Le Monde, 13 October, 2014
- From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Central: The Case of Hong Kong, with David Graeber, Los Angles Review of Books, 2014
- Nach Occupy, in Kulturrisse, Zeitschrift für Radikaldemokratische Kulturpolitik,December,2013
- 점거 이후(After Occupy, English and Korean translation), Contemporary Art Journal, No.15, November,2013
- Einige Fragen, das Verhältnis von Materie und Relation betreffend, trans. Petra Löffler, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft Heft 12, 165-170 (March,2015)
- Objects of Art after Duchamp - on creativity and gentrification, in La Deleuziana, No.0, ed. Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola (June, 2014), 171-179
- Dialectics of Open Access, in Grundlagenforschung -Für eine linke Praxis in den Geisteswissenschaften ed. M.Paul and F. Vogel (June, 2014), 106-121
- Exhibition Catalogues
- Encyclopedias
- Technical Imagination, in Flusseriana, MIT Press/ZKM, 2016
- Metadata, in Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities, Meson Press, 2015
- Technische Einbildungskraft/Technical Imagination, in AnArchive(s) A Minimal Encyclopedia on Archaeology and Variantology of the Arts and Media, under the direction of Siegfried Zielinski, 2014
- Search, in Benjamin Robertson,Marie-Laure Ryan and Lori Emerson ed., The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media, (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014)
- Book Reviews
- Thinking philosophy from the perspective of technology
Two readings of Simondon,Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie,Zurich/Berlin:Diaphanes, 2016, 236-240.
- Tristan Garcia's Soseinsfrage, Review of Tristan Garcia's Form and Object, Journal Visual Culture, April,2016
- The Plane of Obscurity--Simulation and Philosophy, Review of Manuel DeLanda's Philosophy and Simulation--The Emergence of Synthetic Reason in Computational Culutre 01, 2011
- Individuation and the Play of Memories, Review of Bernard Stiegler's Acting Out, Parallax No. 16, 2010, 117-120
- Translations(EN-FR-DE-CN)
- [Book: French-Chinese] Du mode d'existence des objets techniques (Gilbert Simondon), Nanjing University Press, forthcoming
- [Book: French-Chinese] Philosopher par accident (Bernard Stielger), August2018, ISBN 9787552022650
- [Book: English-Chinese] Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology (David Graeber), Guangxi Normal University Press , July, 2014 (English-Chinese), ISBN 9787549555277
- [Journal Special Issue: French-Chinese] B. Stiegler's articles from « Philosopher par Accident», « Ce Qui fait que la vie vaut la peine d'être vécue - de la pharmacologie», in《新美術 Journal of the National Academy of Art》edited by China Academy of Art, Hangzhou China, 2015 (French-Chinese)
- [Article: German- English]KITTLER-ZEIT Unter Mithilfe technologischer Medien um andere Zeitverhältnisse wissen from Wolfgang Ernst, in Media After Kittler, London: Rowman & Littlefield International,July 2015(German-English, with James Burton)
- [Journal Special Issue: French-Chinese] B. Stiegler's articles from « Philosopher par Accident», « De la misère symbolique : Tome 1. L'époque hyperindustrielle » in《熱風學術》vol.8 (Refeng:Journal of Cultural Studies)edited by Prof. Wang Xiao Ming, Shanghai People's Publishing House, China, May 2015 (French-Chinese)
- Multimedia
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- Invited Talks and Conferences (since 2016)
- 2022
- Keynote, "A Critique of Artificial Imagination" STRP, Eindhoven, 7-9 April, 2022
- Keynote “On the Varieties of Experience of Art,” Workshop: Towards a Multi-Temporal Pluriverse of Art, Carleton University, Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Arts, and Culture, Thursday, March 10-12, 2022
- Keynote, “On Thinking and Rehearsing a World to Come,” International Conference Harnessing a 21st Century approach to Performing Arts: Technology, Practice, Education and Research, Hong Kong Academy of Performative Art, 20th - 22nd January, 2022
- 2021
- Keynote “For a Technodiversity in the Anthropocene,” First Annual Conference European Culture and technology Lab, Technological University Dublin 9-10 December 2021
- Keynote « Pour une technodiversité dans l’anthropocène » Diversité des vies techniques (Diversity of Technical Lives), Collège International de Philosophie, 9-10 November, 2021
- Expert talk “Simondon among the Cyberneticians,” Gilbert Simondon: Ecological, aesthetic and technological modes of existence, University of Hildesheim, Germany, 15-16 October, 2021
- A Dialogue on Art and Cosmotechnics between Yuk Hui and Hans Ulrich Obrist, TaiKwun, 24 Octboer, 2021
- Keynote, Qi and Dao – China as a Possibility of Contemporary Technological Issues (中國,作為一種當代技術問題的可能性), Tsinghua University Beijing, 26 September 2021
- Keynote, “Recursivity, cosmotechnics and the philosophy of technology in China An online workshop on Yuk Hui’s Work”(「遞迴、宇宙技術與中國技術哲學-關於許煜的哲學」工作坊), National Chengchi University, 4 September, 2021y
- Keynote, “The Incomputable and the Incalculable,” 9th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, 12-16 July, 2021
- 2018
- 2-4 November 2018, Towards a Cosmotechnical Futurism, CIMAM 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
- 12-13 October 2018, On Cosmotechnics and the Ontological Turn, Conference on Politics of Nature, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
- 1 October 2018, What Begins After The End Of Enlightenment?, E-flux, New York City, USA
- 28 September 2018, For a cosmotechical critique of history, Guggenheim Museum, New York City, USA
- 13-15 September 2018, Towards a politics of allagmatic (Keynote), Symposium on Simondon and Politics, University of Canterbury, Kent, UK
- 2 June 2018, The Problem of Time in the Digital Epoch, Siegen Universität, Siegen, Germany
- 25 May 2018, Vers une politique de l'allagmatique, Journée d'études sur Simondon, MHS Paris Nord, Paris
- 9 May 2018, On Technodiversity (Keynote), Mapping Festival, Genève, Switzerland
- 29 March 2018, Bernard Stiegler and the Art of Contingency, Department of Philosophy, Renmin University, Beijing
- 27 March 2018, Comostechnics (dialogue with Carl Mitcham), Goethe Institute, Beijing
- 25 March 2018, Aesthetic Education in the Age of Artificial Imagination, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
- 29 January2018, Imagination et infini, École Normale Supérieur, Paris
- 2017
- 21 December 2017, Bêtise transcendantale et intelligences artificielles, Centre Georges Pompidou Paris, France
- 7 November 2017, Time against Future – For the bifurcations of future in the Anthropocene, Department of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai
- 30 October 2017, On Posthuman as Pharmakon-A Dialogue with Günther Anders and Gilbert Simondon, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, South Korea
- 28 October 2017, Marx, Simondon and the Politics of Automation, National Museum, Seoul, South Korea
- 23 October 2017, Technological Knowledge in the Epoch of Digital Automation, Department of Humanities, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA
- 21 October 2017, Between the Digital and the Political: New Ecologies of Mind, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA, USA
- 17 October 2017, Archive of the Future- Remarks on Tertiary Protention, Rhetoric Department, UC Berkley, Oakland CA, USA
- 21 September 2017, The Concept of Cosmotechnics, Strelka Institute for Media and Architecture, Moscow, Russia
- 18 September 2017, On Cosmotechnics – for a renewed relation between technology and nature in the anthropocene, Department of Philosophy, European University at St Petersburg, Russia
- 15 September 2017, Technological Knowledge in the Epoch of Digital Automation, Ural Industrial Biennale, Yekaterinburg, Russia
- 3 May, 2017, Public Debate with Bruno Latour on Resetting Modernity, Himalaya Museum, Shanghai, China
- 20 April, 2017, A Revaluation of the Concept of Contingency in Light of Algorithms, Hochschule für bildende Künste, Hamburg, Germany
- 31 March 2017, The problem of genesis and contingency in Schelling and Hegel’s philosophy of nature, Division of Humanities, HKUST, Hong Kong
- 24 March 2017, Rhythm and Technics—Commentary on Heidegger’s commentary on Rimbaud, Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University
- 2016
- 3 December 2016, On Cosmotechnics: ‘Ontological Turn’ in the Chinese Context? (Discussion with François Jullien), Goldsmiths, London, UK
- 13 October 2016, Object and Relation: An Approach to the Study of Digital Objects, Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University, UK
- 11 October 2016, On the Existence of Digital Objects, Department of Philosophy, Roskilde University, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 28 September 2016, De l’Existence des objets numériques, Department of Philosophy, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- 9 September 2016, Séminaire « Artefacts numériques et matérialités », Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Nice, France
- 27-28 June 2016, Debate between Sloterdijk and Stiegler (Organizer), Deparment of Philosophy, University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 17 June 2016, For a Realism of Relations: The Case of Digital Objects, The Vasari Research Centre for Art and Technology, Birkbeck College, London, UK
- 13 May 2016, “Qu’est-ce que la “marge d’indétermination” dans MEOT ?”, Centre international des études simondoniennes (MSH Paris Nord), Paris, France
- 1 May 2016, On the Becoming of Prometheus, Dutch Institute of Art, Arnhem, The Netherlands
- 12 Feburary 2016, Recontextualising Les Immatériaux, École cantonale d'art de Lausanne, Switzerland
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Community Services
- Industrial/Academic Communities
- Advisory Board Member: Philosophy Today (Journal, De Paul University), Technicty Book Series (Edinburgh University Press), Irreversible Book Series (Open Humanities Press)
- Series Editor: Philosophy of Technology and Media (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press), After Simondon(Meson Press)
- Reviewer for various journals including: Techné, Theory Culture and Society, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy and Technology, Computational Culture, etc.
- Reader for various publishers including: University of Minnesota Press, MIT Press, Bloomsbury, Palgrave Macmillan, etc.
- Program Committee Member of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021)
- Program Committee Member of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019)
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“Art and Cosmotechnics opens the way to rethinking technology beyond Gestell, by exploring the obscure paths of the experience of art.”
— Augustin Berque
“Following closely on the heels of Recursivity and Contingency , a masterful treatise on cybernetics and German Idealism, Art and Cosmotechnics attempts to excavate once more the speculative role the arts might play in fostering experimental modes of philosophical and scientific thought.
— LA Review of Books
"Recursivity and Contingency takes the remarkable adventure of thought begun in On the Existence of Digital Objects and The Question Concerning Technology in China in unexpected and astonishing directions, leaving its readers with much to think about and to take further themselves."
— Howard Caygill
More Reviews of Recursivity and Contingency
"There is no more challenging work for anyone interested in trying to understand both the manifold philosophical challenges of Western scientific technology and the contemporary rise of China on the world-historical scene."
— Carl Mitcham
"In this remarkable book, Yuk Hui draws on the major thinkers of both the West and the East to elaborate an original reflection on the nature of technology. He has enlarged the philosophical horizon for the Anthropocene age."
—Andrew Feenberg
More Reviews of The Question Concerning Technology in China
"The object of this remarkable, groundbreaking book is as elegant as it is profound—to provide us with a radically objective account of the digital objects that populate our world, both on- and offline.It is a truly innovative and philosophically grounded ‘object oriented ontology’ that is designed for and can scale to the increasingly complex orders of magnitude confronted in the twenty-first century."
— David J. Gunkel
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[El libro] presenta a un pensador en busca de nuevos modos de concebir el estado de situación de las sociedades en que vivimos, modos que nos permitan torcer un devenir que parece firmemente encaminado al desastre.
— Revista Otra Parte
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